Monday, June 22, 2015

Der Jager - ICONS Edition

Our latest release, Der Jager - ICONS Edition, is now available for download.

 Humans. The most dangerous game. This is the territory of the man known as Der Jager. Born into privilege, the hunter is a man of conviction with a zeal to chase the ultimate prey. He has now set his sights on those with super human abilities as he goes from the most dangerous game to the deadliest catch.

Enemy Strike Files are character packs detailing a villainous threat for your SUPERS! Revised Edition games. The Enemies are extensively detailed so that they can be seamlessly integrated into your games; from a one-shot to an ongoing campaign. From New Millennium Games - Published by HAZARD Stds.

Be on the lookout for ICONS edition of Mudslide in two weeks.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

I figure this is as good a spot as any to do a little pimping of some products I like. I'm not sure about the rest of you, but I've grown a bit tired with what the "Big Two" are putting out these days, especially the constant reboots, company wide crossovers, and rehashing of the same old plotlines. I increasingly find myself turning to small press and indie releases to get my comics fix. Books like Vito Delsante and Sean Izaakse's Stray, Ray-Anthony Height's Midnight Tiger or  Jamal Igle's Molly Danger, all of which are published by Action Lab Studios. Or Zenith Comics' Zenith Comics Presents: Heroic by Andrew Collas. From the Great White North we get Andrew Lorenz's Legacy from September17 Productions. And last, but certainly not least, is Charlie McElvy's WatchGuard and Teen Force 5 Comics. If you get a few minutes check out their Facebook pages and/or websites, and you've got a couple of bucks in your pocket, and are looking for a good read, pick up a copy of one of their books.

Monday, June 15, 2015

ARGUS Enemy Strike File: Blackstar

Martin Furlong was never what one might call, "a winner." His drug addicted lifestyle had almost reached a terminal end when a meteor came apart, showering him in radioactive dust. Martin became a man transformed. If only the meteor could have kept him from becoming a supernatural menace.

Enemy Strike Files are character packs detailing a villainous threat for your SUPERS! Revised Edition games. The Enemies are extensively detailed so that they can be seamlessly integrated into your games; from a one-shot to an ongoing campaign. From New Millennium Games - Published by HAZARD Stds.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sneak Peek – AEGIS Data Files: The Pit & Deep Freeze

As a little treat, here’s a sneak peek of one of New Millennium Games upcoming products, AEGIS Data Files: The Pit & Deep Freeze. It's the first of what I hope to be several small releases detailing some of the various agencies or organizations of the new Millennium Universe. Enjoy.


The Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) maintains an agreement with the FBI, US Marshals Service, DHS, and AEGIS to handle transport, confinement, and if necessary execution, of any “supervillains” taken into custody by the U.S. government, or an allied government requesting U.S. assistance. Other than regular prisons, there are currently four facilities specifically designed and built to house superbeings. The first two of these are “Supermax” facilities. One is located in the Nevada desert, near the US Dept. of Energy‘s Nevada Test Site, while the second is located in the Texas Panhandle, near the Gulf Coast. Both are primarily used for the non-powered or low power level villains. Both facilities maintain large, well-trained security staffs. In addition, BOP Special Operations Response Team (SORT), are on standby to respond to any security incidents that may arise.

The other two facilities are, “Ultramax” (nicknamed "The Pit" by both the staff and inmates housed there) and the Special Containment Facility (SCU, or "Deep Freeze"). Located off the Alaskan coast, Ultramax is currently home to some the more powerful villains incarcerated in the U.S., while the SCU is located on a small atoll in the South Pacific, and houses a number of classified subjects in "cold sleep".

The Pit was constructed on what was a Cold War early warning radar site. While most of the facility is constructed underground, as an added security feature, there are approximately a dozen structures above ground (Air Traffic Control tower, aircraft hangers, boat dock, maintenance buildings, etc.) along with an airstrip capable of receiving military transport aircraft.

The site is only accessible by air, with all sea passages being monitored by a series of highly sophisticated acoustic and magnetic buoys, surveillance satellites, as well as US Navy and Coast Guard vessels. In addition, several Alaska Air National Guard fighters are maintained on “Strip Alert” ready to respond at a moments notice.

Note: What's unknown to most of the staff is that in the event of a successful security breach the facility would be destroyed by small nuclear charges planted during the facility's construction, under a project Codenamed: Project Failsafe.

"Deep Freeze" is located on Atuu Atoll, a small island somewhere in the South Pacific, but its exact location is classified. The facility is actually a former US government bio-warfare research facility that was closed down in the early 80's, only to be reactivated in 2001 and converted into a super prison. Like its sister facility, the Pit, the majority of Deep Freeze’s physical structure are located beneath the island’s surface, with only a few structures above ground.

As an additional failsafe measure, USAF B-1 and B-52 bombers, based in Guam and Diego Garcia, have the facility’s location programmed into their navigation computers, and several nuclear equipped Tomahawk cruise missiles have been pre-positioned for easy access in the event of an emergency.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Permafrost ICONS edition

And the ICONS version of Permafrost is now available for download.

An experiment gone wrong transformed a mild mannered scientist into a dynamo of super powered cold. The mishap also twisted his mind as he now sees his new powers as motive and means to continue his twisted research as Permafrost!

Enemy Strike Files are character packs detailing a villainous threat for your Icons Assembled games. The Enemies are extensively detailed so that they can be seamlessly integrated into your games; from a one-shot to an ongoing campaign. From New Millennium Games - Published by HAZARD Stds.

Monday, June 8, 2015


Our 4th release, Blackstar, is off for editing by Doug Taylor. Once he's done his thing, and I make any corrections, it'll be headed to Walt at HAZARD Studio for layout. If everything goes like it should, he'll be available for download next weekend.

Also of note, our first release for ICONS, Permafrost, is completed, and will be available for download this coming Tuesday. Our second ICONS conversion, the master hunter, Der Jager, is off to layout as well. If things run smoothly, you should be able to get your hands on him in a couple of weeks as well.

Another project we're working on right now is NPCs Unlimited. Each volume of NPCs Unlimited will contain write-ups for a dozen NPCs suitable for use in any modern supers setting, all at the bargain basement price of 99 cents.

And lastly, we'd really like to hear what you think of or products and what you'd like to see down the road. Don't be shy, let us know what you like, what you didn't, and what you want to see more of.  

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

ICONS Conversions

I've finished converting our initial release, Permafrost, over to ICONS. Once it's edited, I'll be shooting it off to Steve Kenson for final approval before releasing it. So keep a look out for it, and other ICONS compatible releases in the near future.